Monday, November 16, 2009

"Not So" Super Fans

We've all seen the freaks that go to sports games dressed in ridiculous outfits and making a fool of themselves for the sake of the team. I've seen it at high school basketball games to college basketball/football games and even in the pros.

I love sports just as much as the next person, but you're not gonna see me painting myself team colors and acting like a moron to show my school/team spirit. These freaks are commonly referred to as "SuperFans" but I like to call them "SuperFags." I hate Superfags because they annoy me when I'm trying to watch the game, and I know that they are nerds that, for a short amount of time, act like a fool to get attention and feel cool for once. Sorry to bust your bubble, but you are still a fag and you are not helping your team play better by painting your body and wearing a stupid wig.

I want to know if any normal people actually look at these "superfans" and think, man those guys are so cool. I seriously believe that the only people that think being a superfan is cool, is other superfags. Nothing turns on a superfan chick more than a obnoxious school spirited blue wigged freak... cool man. These "fans" only want to be noticed, even it means demeaning themselves to get a cheap laugh. In the end of the day, nobody likes you still.

There are many ways to be proud of your team and to show school/team spirit other than acting and dressing like an idiot. I prefer the team jersey or perhaps just plain old cheering. You can even add a home made sign or banner to show your school pride, just please make sure it doesn't say something cliche or gay like "Sportscenter is coming up next" or "It's my birthday! Put me on TV." If you do, you are clearly not there for the game. You can yell stuff to taunt the other team and try to make them miss free throws, in fact this is encouraged as you get more and more drunk at the game. All these things can be done to show team spirit without dressing like a freak and acting like an asshole.

Normal Fan


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