Friday, November 6, 2009


Obviously no one cares about women's soccer, and women's sports in general... but this this story caught my attention last night and gave me a good laugh. I wasn't sure if I was watching a clip from the latest UFC match or a potential Girls Gone Wild Cat Fight... but sadly reality set in and I remembered it was a women's soccer match.

Check out this video:

I'm not gonna lie, the blonde chick that scored the goal for BYU, Carly Payne, is pretty hot. Same with the rest of the BYU players... but I can't say the same for the New Mexico girls. They are pretty butch, at best, and most likely dykes, so I'm under the impression that is the reason for that girl's nasty tactics on the field. Either that, or she just had the worst case of PMS I have seen- but I thought chicks usually took out that anger on dudes and not other chicks.

This was great entertainment and women's soccer at it's best. The only thing that could have made this better is if the girl's were naked and/or in baby oil. In all seriousness though, this dykish bitch on New Mexico needs to get congratulated for putting in some entertainment factor into an otherwise worthless sport. She'll most likely get suspended, but at least she got her 15 minutes of fame.

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