Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Talent

Everybody has a special talent in life… some people are really good at golf, some people are really good at video games, or maybe some people are just really good at drinking beer (my friend Dane). I have a special talent… and it is the extraordinary gift of being able to eat endless amounts of ice cream. Yes, no joke… I believe I can eat more ice cream than anyone else.

As my former room mates can attest, I always have ice cream on hand and it was not uncommon for me to just swing by the Baskins Robbins on Green St. in between classes. Is that weird?

Well the reason I am writing about this now is because lately I’ve rediscovered this talent as I have gone through 2 tubs of ice cream in a matter of a few days. I don’t even realize it, but a bowl here, maybe just a few scoops there, sometimes just straight out of the carton, and boom… it’s gone.

This is quite the special talent to have and I am damn proud of it. You can beat me at basketball? Well asshole, how about an ice cream eating contest?! No contest.

My favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip FROM BASKIN ROBBINS, not that shitty stuff you get in the store. Otherwise, I prefer Breyer’s Cookies and Cream. If I had one wish, it would be to make ice cream the healthiest food on earth. Unfortunately, it’s not.

I have recently (Christmas time) thrown up form eating peppermint ice cream due to the binge of rumplemintz shots from the night before, so that is now officially on my shit list. No more peppermint ice cream, good thing it’s only a seasonal thing.

In fact, I’m eating a bowl of ice cream as I write this…

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