Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Squash Match

I saw this video on ESPN the other night, and I laughed so hard. Since then, it has been all over TV drawing criticism. It's the Squash championships between little Trinity College and Yale.

I've never splayed squash before, and I actually thought it was called racquetball (maybe they are different??), but apparently it gets pretty intense. Sometimes old men at the gym are literally dripping in sweat after a rousing game of squash, but I thought that was just because they were like 75 years old. Apparently I was wrong.

The funny thing in this video is the little Asian kid (Kenneth Tran, how fitting) on Yale's team. No surprise he's Asian, but if you watch his reaction after losing it's hard not to laugh. Tran is like 5 ft. tall, and gets punked by the giant kid. He not only outweighs the small Asian by like 100 lbs. but finds the need to scream in his face, headbutt him, slam the door on him, then get in his face again. People all over the internet are saying this is bad sportsmanship, but I think it is hilarious and applaud this kid's enthusiasm to not just beat the opposition, but to shit on them after. Well done.

If you think Squash is a bloodless sport, then check out what happened at a recent Dartmouth vs. Harvard Match...

"Words such as “dick,” “fag” and “—-sucker” were repeatedly shouted at the visitors Wednesday, many times with “f——” added as an adjective. Harvard’s female players eventually sought the protection of an assistant coach after they said they were called “whores” and “sluts” while they cheered on their male peers. While playing his match, Franklin Cohen was told he had small genitals and asked if he liked bagels, a phrase his mother viewed as a reference to the family’s Jewish surname."

In addition, I'm willing to bet that at least 80% of squash players are Asian. Just a hunch.

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